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Dark Money in 27th Assembly Race Edition
By Russ Otten RPSC Chair
The race for the 27th Assembly District between Lindee Brill and Brian Hilbelink took a ridiculous and then wicked turn the last two weeks!
First, the ridiculous! Supporters of Brian Hilbelink, Stronger Wisconsin, mailed a flyer showing Brian Hilbelink with his two sons after an athletic event (see below). It’s a wonderful shot, one that depicts love and respect between them. Just one problem! IT’S NOT BRIAN HILBELINK, the candidate! It’s another Brian Hilbelink who lives in Sheboygan, not Oostburg. How could this happen?
Second, the wicked! Supporters of Hilbelink, Stronger Wisconsin, mailed a flyer with a picture of a soldier stating, “They put themselves in harm’s way to protect us. Lindee Brill won’t let them vote!” This is a blatant lie. Lindee said in a debate, “I will push for same day voting.” This was in the context of cleaning up elections. But Hilbelink’s supporters, Stronger Wisconsin, applied her statement in a way it was never intended.
So, who is Stronger Wisconsin that is supporting Hilbelink? It is a dark money group tied directly to Robin Vos, the Assembly Leader, whom I believe is “Enemy #1 of the People of Wisconsin”. (Press release offering documentation of the depth of this group.) Vos receives money from special interest groups that he assures will get preferential treatment in Assembly bills. This includes national and international organizations, including a group from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who want to buy farmland in Wisconsin. Then, Vos turns around and supports Assembly candidates in their races. Finally, if they win, Vos uses them for his purposes. Hilbelink has not only taken money from Vos, he has turned over his campaign to Vos, via Stronger Wisconsin.
Let’s return to the ridiculous first flyer. Why didn’t Hilbelink realize that the picture was not of him? It’s simple. He never saw his own flyer before it went out. He first heard about it after people started noticing and making comments on Facebook. What an embarrassment for someone running to represent others when his own ads don’t represent him! But it gets worse. Much worse!
The wicked second flyer was sent out over a week ago (see below). Yet, Hilbelink has still not denounced it! He has publicly stated that he shares Lindee’s values and likes her. But he will not speak up or admit that his campaign team made a huge mistake in telling a lie about her. His silence speaks volumes.
Hilbelink only decided to run after a phone call with Vos, a call in which Vos assured him that he would have the financial support necessary to win. So far, Vos has provided him over $25,000 through Stronger Wisconsin. You know, the same group that used the wrong picture of Hilbelink and then wrote terrible lies about Lindee. Vos’s RACC Fund has also donated more than $2,000.
As RPSC Chair the last 3 years, I have called out the wrongs of Democrats and Republicans alike. Wrong is wrong no matter which side of the aisle. And what I am witnessing in the 27th Assembly District race is so wrong! This is what causes good people to not run for office. This is what voters despise and then choose not to vote. This is what needs to change NOW! I will not tolerate one Republican lying about another to win a primary race!
Though I cannot endorse Lindee, I can denounce the tactics of Hilbelink’s campaign. An apology to Lindee and the voters of the 27th Assembly District are in order. But as Hilbelink has shown, that does not fit with Vos’s playbook.
NOTE: The views expressed are not necessarily those of the RPSC Executive Committee or RPSC Members.
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