Chuck Adams has been caught lying to residents regarding the investigation into Todd Wolf conducted by the law firm of von Briesen & Roper. Citizens have requested invoices in the past regarding payment of your tax dollars to the firm regarding the termination without cause of former City Administrator Todd Wolf.
In June 2023, the city attorneys supplied invoices from von Briesen to a citizen. This document is sixteen pages long. Wolf was terminated in January 2023, and the report regarding the investigation was released in February 2023. The investigation was to be independent and impartial regarding Wolf’s conduct. Attorney Jill Hall conducted the investigation.
Click here to read the von Briesen Document.
The invoices supplied have no billing from Attorney Hall for January 2023. This month was when the final report was being assembled to be presented to the Common Council. How can there be no charges from Hall for this month?
The city has released dollar amounts regarding the total costs involved in the lawsuit regarding Wolf’s termination. The numbers have not added up compared to the invoices.
In a recent request to the finance department, it has become clear why there is confusion. An invoice has been missing from what the city has turned over in open records requests.
In official finance documents, there was an invoice from von Briesen with the number 416459, dated February 8, 2023, in the amount of $12,285. The city paid this invoice on February 22, 2023, with check number 359316.
This invoice has never been turned over in open records requests.
What is in this invoice?
What is the city hiding?
The city stated they complied with the records request submitted a year ago regarding invoices from the law offices of von Briesen & Roper.
A more recent open records request was submitted regarding the Todd Wolf lawsuit, and there were no invoices from von Briesen included in that request.
The citizen who submitted that request hired an attorney. Adams stated to the citizen’s attorney that the records request had been completed. In addition, other citizens have submitted open records requests regarding the Wolf lawsuit. Assistant City Attorney Liz Majerus has been responding to those requests stating she is working on processing them. Those requests relate specifically to invoices from von Briesen and Roper.
One open records request request was submitted in the middle of June. There have been zero records returned to this citizen. Over a month has passed.
At the June 17, 2024, Common Council meeting, the council voted to waive attorney-client privilege regarding the Wolf lawsuit. This opened up the public’s access to documents related to the case. The council acted in good faith and in the spirit of open and honest government to do this, which is appreciated.
In a discussion leading up to the vote, Alder Belanger voiced concerns about the city attorney’s office processing open records requests and having the final say on what is redacted. Alder Belanger expressed concern regarding the City Attorney hiding documents, which may make him look bad.
Has this happened?
Why is invoice 416459 from von Briesen being hidden?
Where is the invoice?
Alder Belanger and the council have an obligation to act. City Attorney Adams’ behavior is not up to the standards of professionalism required to serve you!
The Wolf lawsuit has been settled in federal court.
There is one additional federal court case ongoing and two additional lawsuits coming regarding employment matters during the tumultuous tenure of former H.R. Director Adam Westbrook, who is currently facing federal charges for child sex crimes.
Attorney Adams has defended Westbrook and still has yet to condemn the behavior of Westbrook.
One reason given to terminate Wolf was the alleged increased liability the city could face.
City Attorney Chuck Adams is the legal liability!
When will your city administrator, Casey Bradley, and your Common Council take action to protect you from Adams?
Will Mayor Sorenson act to protect you?
Will you continue to sit back and tolerate your City Attorney Chuck Adams lying?
Demand answers!
Where is invoice 416459 from von Briesen and Roper?
Email the people you trust to protect your tax dollars.
The people you put faith in to run the city you call home.
If you have issues with your City Attorney lying, demand an ethics investigation. Send an email today demanding this be stopped. Your tax dollars are at risk with additional lawsuits, but more importantly, the integrity of your home city is at risk.
Email City Administrator Casey Bradley here:
Email Mayor Sorenson here:
Email Alder Grazia Perella here:
Email Alder John Belanger here:
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