Josh Frick

Josh Fick

Josh Frick

Age: 32

Occupation and highest education level: National janitorial and maintenance supply sales; high school.

Relevant experience: I have five kids who depend on me to make sure they have the best education available. I am a lifelong Sheboygan resident who attended local private and public schools. I work in the local community and want to get parents more involved in our schools. I truly just want to work with the great teachers, staff and kids and help make our community better.

We need to get the kids caught back up. Since March of 2020, our kids have not retained the information they need. That could include summer school or another type of program for the kids who need to be caught up. We can’t let anymore of our kids fall behind further.

I believe we would need the community and staff to tell us what change is most needed and work off the information. We do need better communication!

Schools need to be in person five days a week with the option of virtual for the kids who need it. My oldest requires an individualized education program (IEP). He is 13 and in 7th grade. We decided to hold him back because of how far he was behind. It took four to five years of us being loud in order to get him an IEP. Some parents might have given up or didn’t know where else to turn. We need a better way to help these kids get the help they need.