Letter From RPSC Vice Chair James Tesauro
January 14, 20252025-26 Executive Committee Candidates
January 17, 2025Brad Unke announces his candidacy for RPSC Vice Chair
The presidential election of 2020 was a wake up call for millions of Americans.
The rampant shenanigans, irregularities, and downright illegalities were plain to see. We The People were rightfully outraged. We were also disappointed and frustrated when elected representatives refused to stand up for election integrity and allowed America to fall into the hands of the radical left.
But there have been many positive changes as a result. Thousands of Sheboygan County residents have been motivated to stand up and make their voices heard. In the last four years, hundreds of patriots have come forward and the RPSC has transformed into a true We The People movement. I want to continue that mission.
Since becoming involved in politics in 2020, I have met and worked with many great people in and around Sheboygan County. Many of you may have seen me on the roadside installing or removing the big 4×8 campaign signs as far back as 2020. Or you may have met me while working on the campaign for Shelley Grogan who we successfully elected to the District 2 Wisconsin Court of Appeals in 2021. I worked with some awesome folks while acting as an observer in the Heidemann recount proceedings in 2022. I’ve been protecting the votes of our elderly citizens by accompanying Special Voting Deputies at our county assisted living facilities for the last four years. I’ve worked hard (gotten down and dirty) with the volunteers who made flooring improvements at RPSC headquarters and removed trees when they downed power lines at HQ. I was proud to stand next to fellow patriots at the annual reading of the Declaration of Independence on the courthouse steps on the Fourth of July. I’m a financial supporter of the Sheboygan Taxpayer’s Alliance and helped oppose the 2024 school referendum which raised property taxes for the next 22 years.
As your RPSC Events Chair in 2024, we held our first Road Rally in conjunction with Freedom Fest and the successful campaign of Lindee Brill for state assembly. This year’s Christmas Gathering at headquarters was a fabulous success thanks to the efforts of a hardworking volunteer team.
In the last four years, the RPSC has been more successful than ever. Headquarters has been improved and is now a welcoming place for newcomers and events. Fundraising is at an all-time high. Merchandise sales have broken all records. Office hours at headquarters have been expanded and thanks to the many volunteers, traffic at HQ is nearly non-stop. The RPSC has developed an expanding network with folks in Manitowoc and Ozaukee counties to advance patriotic, conservative causes.
But the work is just beginning. Sheboygan County now has the attention of the Madison swamp and is being targeted. The establishment wants to regain control and stifle the voices of We The People. Now is not the time to waver in our commitment to positive change. Now is not the time for a drastic change of leadership at the RPSC.
Now is the time to stay the course and follow through on the successes we have accomplished. We need people who will fight to have The People heard. I’ll be throwing my hat in the ring and running for vice chair in order to make your voice heard. I would appreciate your support.
Here’s what you can do to help.
1) Renew or become a new member of the RPSC
2) Attend and vote at the Caucus on Saturday January 25th
If you’re not currently a member, you need to join the RPSC by the end of the day January 15.
If you’re already a member, you have until January 25th to renew your membership.
The link to membership page is: https://sheboygancountygop.com/become-a-member/
Check out the home page at https://sheboygancountygop.com/ and read the press releases by Russ Otten and James Tesauro to learn more about what’s been going on in Sheboygan County. I wholeheartedly support promoting James Tesauro to the position of county Chair and would be honored to serve alongside him.
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