Review this article from Gateway Pundit. In summary the DOT of Wisconsin has been issuing Driver Licenses to non-US citizens. “In a rather tersely worded directive, the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection, sent the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Agency Director (DOT) an immediate request for data information that documents how many non-US citizens in Wisconsin have a driver’s license and or a photo ID”. In short the DOT refused this request against state statues.

As Wisconsin citizens it is our duty to ensure ONLY US citizens vote in the upcoming election in November. The following plan will ensure the DOT will cooperate with government agencies.

This matter needs to be resolved immediately and has taken way too long to get done.

Action Plan…

  • Contact the DOT Secretary and ask that she (Kristina Boardman) immediately release the non-US citizen data to WEC so that Clerks across Wisconsin can be protected from election fraud by non-US citizens.  Secretary Boardman’s Office number is: 608-266-1114 or
  • Immediately contact Chairman Rep. Krug (608-237-9172 and and Chairman Sen. Knodl (608-266-5830 and to ask them to do whatever it takes to get this information released in time to protect the integrity of the 2024 Presidential Election for all Wisconsin Clerks and electors.
  • Immediately contact your State Representative and State Senator to ask them to work with Rep. Krug and Sen. Knodl to get this done asap (How to find your Legislator – My Elected Officials (
  • Encourage all Legislators to take immediate legal action to force the DOT to immediately release this information.
  • Run a query of the non-US citizens with a driver’s license and or photo ID (approximately 300,000 between 1/1/10 – 11/1/23) with WisVote to see how many names are in this database.  Then immediately remove these names from WisVote.  Immediately give all Wisconsin Clerks this confidential list just like the confidential felon list that all Clerks have to prevent them from registering to vote or securing a ballot.  Block any of these individuals from registering to vote through MyVote, the USPS or the day of the election.  Refer any individuals that have registered to vote and had a ballot processed for them to the local County DA for prosecution.