“And In This Corner….” Enemies Part 3
January 14, 2025Letter From RPSC Vice Chair James Tesauro 01/14/2025
After a lot of prayer with a handful of close family and friends, and a lot of deliberate thought, I have decided to run for Chair of the Republican Party of Sheboygan County.
The strong leadership we all voted for in Donald Trump comes at a time when we need it the most in the United States. The listless “go-along-to-get-along” non-leadership we have seen in Madison and Washington DC is to blame for the state our country is in; from an infusion of DEI brainwashing of our children in schools, to our country’s cities either burning or running rampant with crime, to drugs pouring in that are killing people from young to old.
This is a time for strength. Yes, we must unite and I believe under Trump’s leadership the nation will begin to heal at a national level. But we as patriotic, America First believing citizens MUST TAKE UP THAT MANTLE AS WELL and carry it at the local level in order for those priorities to be achieved. It will take strength and experience to stand up against a monster that has taken over our education system, our healthcare system and our governmental system at every level.
Our mission, I believe as average Americans, begins in our homes; as parents, and as involved citizens and members of a party that desperately needs moral clarity in how it runs its own ship. Being a Republican used to mean (and I believe it still can) standing strong for values even when it doesn’t appear to be the safe way forward or even sadly, sometimes the less popular route to take. Those values being LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We must not waver on those principles given to us in our founding documents and gifted to us only from God. These are principles I believe in wholeheartedly, and they are the principles I strive to not only impress upon my daughter as she grows, but also the community into which she will grow up.
I was raised with those values instilled in me at a very young age from my parents, and while I have made some mistakes along the way of my life, as with anyone else, I strive to live those values each and every day. I am a transplant to this area, as most of you know, and I have lived and served my country in many different places during my time in the Army as an aviator and a captain. I led men and women both in combat and non combat operations, both overseas in Iraq and at various positions and locations inside the United States.
I have grown to love Sheboygan and intend for it to be my home for a long time to come. Many of the people I have met here have become my very dear friends, a second family. Just like any of the soldiers or officers I have served with will tell you, so too will this second family tell you; I walk the walk. My experience has shown me the difference between what good principled leadership and what bad non-principled leadership looks
While every single action or word I have performed or said has not always been perfect, one thing is for sure – you will never question where I stand on the issues I believe God has given us as Americans and I will
not apologize for taking those stances. These principles are to protect and preserve for our future generations of children and grandchildren. We must do everything we can to preserve that, starting at ground zero – in our homes and local communities.
Our local party has done something extraordinary in the last three years. We took the mission and the purpose away from the hands of the establishment, who sought to displace the patriot from the RINO class, and we placed it back where it rightfully belonged all along – in the hands and voices of the every-day Sheboygan county citizen who didn’t feel like he/she had a voice anymore.
Conservative, principled, true, non-watered-down, non flip-flopping leadership wins for the people every time.
My goal is to unite the party with success – just as Trump has said multiple times – “success will be our goal and that’s what will unite us.”
Everyone wants success because we have a common goal: to defeat the left’s broken and despicable ideology, and keep it from harming our children’s futures, so that one day we can pass the torch to them to carry on what we have begun and upheld. I believe God has placed the desire to lead on my heart for this time, as Chair of the RPSC. I will make this promise to you if I win that position: every move I make, along with the executive committee, will be with the will of the people of this county in mind. It will not come at the expense of protecting the right to Life, or your rights to have your voice heard, or a compromise with anyone at any position who attempts to bend our God-ordained and commanded values that He teaches us in His Word.
That does not mean we won’t have debates, because I believe we can come to an understanding and still work together. But there are certain principles I cannot and will not bend on. And those are the main principles for what we have faced, are facing now, and will face going forward.
We will continue to elect America-first, common sense, and patriotic people to positions at local, state and federal levels, and hold them responsible for their campaign promises and our principles.
We will only grow stronger together. I believe we can and will unite around that. The walk is more valuable than the talk, and I hope that you will allow me to continue to walk that walk with and for you at this position on January 25th, 2025, for the next two years.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at jamestesauro1@protonmail.com. I’d be happy to talk to you. If you are not currently a member you can sign to become one at the link provided below.
New members wishing to vote need to register before midnight on January 15th. The caucus doors will open at 8:30am on January 25th and will be held in the Windjammer at Lakeshore Lanes, in Sheboygan.
Thank you for reading this message. God bless you and God bless the city of Sheboygan, her surrounding communities and towns, and the Republican Party of Sheboygan County.
Thank you.
James Tesauro
“And In This Corner….” Enemies Part 3
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